Sunday, October 22, 2006

Using blogs to analyze thesis statements--continued

Having fun with thesis statements seems to be an oxymoron of sorts. I have never been able to get regular English seniors, as a whole, to stretch their thesis ideas to the next level. They often remain at the observation level in where they discuss a symbol, but don't argue what that symbol causes for the protagonist, the reader, and/or theme relating to life. I was thrilled this weekend to log onto blogger to give feedback to students on their thesis statements. Even from discussions I had with them in class, I can tell they really thought about their task--trying to make a literary leap by answering the seemingly pervasive 'so what'.

I appreciated the AP Lit models as it gave my students insight into the thinking that goes into a thesis. They realized it doesn't just magically flow from their pens, nor does it just appear because they have an innate understanding of literature. They too, needed to digress, ask questions, and challenge themselves and others to reach a persuasive level. I know as I continue to do similar thesis discussions, their focus will strengthen.

Here's the specific link with their thesis statements and my comments to them:

Please email me any comments regarding a message missed to a student, an overall message missed that you saw in their thesis statements, etc. I would love to have feedback.


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